#FictionalDeathsIWillNeverGetOver Will Have You in Fetal Position All Day

Tumblr addict or casual, haven’t-read-a-book-since-high-school-but-am-emotionally-invested-in-my-netflix-binge type human being, Twitter feels you. We may not do book clubs anymore, but with Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, and...

“I Don’t Have Time to Get Fit”

Consider this: a one hour workout takes up only 4% of your day. So where, I hear you say, can I ever fit that in? It...

Strach’s Southern Mustard Sauce

We all have pre-conceived ideas. I must admit that before I became a vegan I had a lot of ideas about vegans. Most of...

The Single Greatest Challenge Every Startup Must Overcome

There is a reason that so many startups fail that almost nobody is talking about. It’s a tale that starts out as one of...

Your Google History is Back to Haunt You

Google knows everything about us, that’s no surprise, but what is upsetting, is to find out that Google has now allowed for us to...

Do You Have a Sleep Disorder?

There are many people that have an undiagnosed sleep disorder. They may feel very sleepy during the day. They may have trouble falling to...

Ekster Wallets: Kickstarting the Money Business

Some Kickstarter products raise tens of thousands of dollars, euros, and/or pounds to take their products from an innovative sketch on a Smartboard right...

Delicious Do-it-Yourself Snacks For Kids

Nearly 7 million American children come home from school to an empty house, clamoring for a quick, appetizing snack, only to settle for junk...

Eating (and Drinking) the Australian Way

Australians are often divided into the haves, and the have-nots. But they're not always talking about money. These days, it's often the haves (too much body...

New Star Wars & New Stars

Now, I’m not the biggest Star Wars fan you’ll ever meet. I mean, I’ve seen all of them, but the first three seem to...

Decadent Vegan Berry Tarts

Sometimes I have the most intense cravings for meals that only animal products can produce.  I am not talking about a steak, as I...

Remembering David Bowie

This story was published in one of Melbourne’s newspapers some years ago, and if my memory served me correctly, it goes something like this...

2016 Golden Globes: Just Awkward

If I had to sum up the 2016 Golden Globes in one word I would choose: Awkward. Where dry humor was meant to lay his...

Looking after the Girls: Choosing a Sport’s Bra

Your breasts are made up of very delicate tissue that takes quite a hammering over your lifetime. Even if you don’t have children, yes...

Champagne Corks Are Popping To Celebrate Your Promotion!

Many people are stuck in dead end jobs, resentful that they are passed over for promotion.  They know they are capable of more but...

How to Eat Healthy When Dining at Your Favorite Restaurant

When you are eating out, you probably watch your calories. But eating out is a part of life and these tips will help you...

Sailing Holidays For All People

Sailing holidays have no limits. Even those who are differently-abled can participate in sailing adventure. This is primarily due to charities and clubs around...

What is it With White?

Many homeowners and decorators choose to steer clear of white for fear of ending up with a stark, dull, and lifeless home. Well fear...

On Mindfulness

Mindfulness was defined by John Kabat-Zinn as, “the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally to the...

Stressed About Feeling Stressed?

Stress. We hear the word every day, but what does it really mean? Stress is a naturally occurring physiological reaction created by the human body...