7 Beginner Yoga Poses to Get You in Shape

We all hear yoga is good for you, but which exercises work the best?

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Yoga (Image Source: Oldfirestation)

Yoga is a great at-home way to tone and strengthen your muscles. Being new to yoga, I didn’t really know what exercises would work for me so I did some hunting for videos. I found these exercises really helpful – and definitely felt it the next day.

1. Tighten those Abs!
This one is a killer!! After doing this for a few days, even my glutes were on fire. Try doing this at least 3 times a week. I promise the burn is worth it.

2. That ‘Crow Pose’ that every one seems to be able to do (except me)
This one is a struggle. I have managed to keep my feet off the floor for about 5 seconds total, but I’m sure with practice I will master it. I definitely recommend the pillow in front of you – did fall on my head a few times.

3. Plow Pose
I used to do this when I was a kid and roll of the couch – didn’t even realise it was a yoga pose! This was a great stretch, I recommend doing this at the beginning of your workout.

4. Head Standing
I actually learned how to do a headstand when doing calisthenics for 8 years. This one does take time to master. I found doing it up against a wall helped me to balance.

5. Foundational Poses for Men
Alright boys – these are for you. Yoga poses are for anyone, but this video is specific for men. I did try these, and found them quite good for tightening core muscles.

6. Baby Grasshopper Pose
I’ve always wondered how to do this! This was a lot simpler than I expected. Did take a few goes, but definitely easy once practiced.

7. King Pigeon Pose
I know, this video looks quite painful. I’ve saved this for last as a little challenge. If you do a few of the exercises above, you will be warm and can attempt this pose. It really stretched out parts of my body I didn’t even know could stretch.

What yoga moves work for you? Share with us below.