Sunday, March 9, 2025
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Tag: millennials

Alarming Rise in Five Types of Cancers among Australian Millennials Linked...

A concerning trend has emerged over the past three decades, showing a significant increase in the diagnosis of five different types of cancers among...

The Perks of Living in the Digital Age

Millennials are often frowned upon for being glued to our screens. Older generations shame us and our technology addicted peers, and T.V. shows like...

Millennials are Transforming the Hotel Industry

20 years ago, when you thought about a hotel, it involved one simple process, calling the hotel and booking a room, there...

Five Lies Millennials Have Been Told

1. The Avocado Toast Dilemma I’m just putting this out there – none of us have been buying our avocado toast or as many (if...

Millennials Transformation of the Hotel Industry.

20 years ago, when you thought about a hotel, it involved one simple process, calling the hotel and booking a room, there was nothing...

The Natural Chocolate Of Your Dreams

In what seems like something taken out of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, the Swiss cocoa processor, Barry Callebaut, has discovered a type of...

Making Your Childhood House A Home Again

With record numbers of young people moving back in with their parents (this author included!) it’s time to face the facts: in this economy,...

Benjamin Brindise: That’s How We Judge Each Other Now

“1 Like. 2 Likes. 3 Likes. 4.” And we watch the numbers rise. Facebook, a spoken word piece by Ben Brindise from Buffalo, NY, is...

Why do so Many Young People Believe in Horoscopes?

Confession time: I am one of those people who love horoscopes. Come Monday morning I’ll source out my horoscope to see what to expect...

5 Money Saving Hacks From the World’s Tightest Millennial

It’s me. I am the world’s tightest millennial. My best friend’s dad calls me TAG- Tight Arse George. Nice one Darren. Is it a problem?...