How to Reach 10,000 Steps Without Going on a Walk

Staying active and fit has provided solace to people during what has been an unpredictable year.

How to Reach 10,000 Steps Without Going on a Walk

A challenge that people have set for themselves, is to reach a daily step count. It follows the well-known fundraiser ‘Steptember’, which challenges people to walk, run, swim or ride their way to 10,000 steps to raise money for cerebral palsy.

But it has extended past the month of September and into October and doesn’t look to be slowing down anytime soon.

Reaching 10,000 steps, depending on your stride and pace, is approximately 8km and can take up to two hours out of your day. Most people don’t have the sort of time to spare, so here are some unique and different ways to reach your daily step count at home;

Dance your steps away – Dancing is fast-paced and requires a lot of foot movement. It is a sure and fun way to get your step count up without consuming too much of your time.

Set Challenges – While you are waiting for your toast to pop up, or for your coffee to brew – See how many steps you can reach in that time frame. Whenever you have spare time make it you mission to get as many steps as possible.

Online Workouts – Online workouts are a great way increase your step count in a short amount of time. YouTube has dedicated workouts to reaching 10,000 steps in less than 40 minutes. For a workout that helps you reach your daily step count in 30 minutes click, here.

The daily step count of 10,000 has been recommended for adults as it provides multiple health benefits and encourages people to stay active, but any sort of movement is a step in the right direction.

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I am a soon-to-be graduate in a Bachelor of Commerce and Arts; Majoring in Marketing and Media Industries (Expected October 2020) from LaTrobe University. I am experienced in Sales with a demonstrated history of working in the retail industry for nine + years. Over time, I have developed my skills in Sales, Communication and building Interpersonal relationships. Outside of work, I enjoy watching AFL, more so, St Kilda Football club when they dominate the field. I like to unwind with stand-up comedy and Seinfeld, with a soft spot for George Costanza.