Why Karolina Carrera Changed Careers to Coach

The life coach and author explains the drive behind her desire to help.

Karolina Carrera, the brains behind coaching business The Hybrid Coach. Image: Supplied.
Karolina Carrera, the brains behind coaching business The Hybrid Coach. Image: Supplied.

After writing her book Level Up – Harnessing the Immense Power of You, Karolina Carrera discovered that her influence could go beyond words on a page. 

She’d faced the writer’s block and imposter syndrome that plagues many authors, emerging on the other side with a published book and an overwhelming desire to help. 

This is what inspired Karolina Carrera to shift gears and launch The Hybrid Coach, a coaching business that offers a tailored blend of mentorship and strategy that is helmed by her extensive entrepreneurial experience. 

CrowdInk talked to Karolina to find out more about her career evolution and why the Hybrid Coach offers a unique approach that’s tailored to authors. 

What was the inspiration behind your brand? How did you get started?

While I was on the authoring journey, I realised just how important it was to have a strong growth mindset. It’s very easy to get distracted and get off course. Focus, clarity and accountability are key drivers in completing a book. I’ve worked with life coaches in the past in order to fast track results and maintain clarity and actionable steps to achieve a goal. So, after writing the book I changed course in my career to become a life coach in order to be of service and help people. It became obvious to me that I could add value to the lives of many authors by supporting them through my blended life experience.

Where did your journey begin?

I’ve always had a strong calling to support people in their lives. My book was written off the back of my divorce and how I navigated my way through the fog with transformational personal development strategies and onto a clearer path of happiness and success. I shared my story because I knew it was important to honour it and share it with others who were waiting and needed to hear it for their own transformations. This is why I want to support authors. Their stories need to be honoured as I know that there are people out in the world who need to hear their message.

Tell us a little bit about your coaching business. What do you offer?

As the hybrid coach, I offer a unique value proposition – what’s known as a blended model of coaching and strategy. I’m a published author, a life coach, an entrepreneur and have held leadership positions and led strategic marketing campaigns and teams in business for over 10 years. I work 1:1 with clients as well as facilitating masterminds and workshops.

Who is your ideal customer?

I support new or emerging authors – those starting out on their first book generally. A lot of my clients are consultants, entrepreneurs, practitioners, speakers and service providers who know a lot about their industries and are extremely knowledgeable, but when it comes to sharing their story and expertise they come up against mindset and resource roadblocks. Blocks that translate into imposter syndrome, fear, procrastination, doubt and limiting beliefs. We specifically work on their mindset around becoming an author and the challenges that arise during the book writing process. I also help them with best practice strategies and tools in moving the ball along and keeping them clear, focussed and accountable.

Karolina Carrera - The Hybrid Coach
Karolina Carrera – The Hybrid Coach

What advice do you have for aspiring coaches looking to get started?

I would say simplicity is key when you first start out. The best way to get runs on the board and practice your craft is to reach out to people and see how you can be of service to them. Get a few testimonials under your belt and keep going.

How can people connect with you (e.g website, social media channels, links to your business)?

You can connect with me via my Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Are you an aspiring author? Karolina Carrera – aka The Hybrid Coach – can help you overcome the mindset and resource roadblocks that are stopping you from sharing your story. 

Book your FREE 30 minutes discovery call here