Sunday, December 22, 2024
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Tag: wtf

20 Women On The Worst Present They Ever Got From Their...

Coming up with an original idea for a gift that shows how much you care about your SO so soon after Christmas, isn’t not...
5 Terms to Describe Wine,,, crowd ink, crowdink, wine, taste, delicious, food, foodie

5 Terms We Don’t Use for Wine, But Should

Ever find yourself at a loss for words while trying to keep up with the winos of your group? We’re here to get you...

These Companies Give Staff Paid Time off When They get a...

Anyone who has gotten a puppy before knows that it can be a tough transition. Much like a baby, puppies need time to settle...

Aldi’s Vegetarian Section Gar-likely To Please

Have you ever wished that you could eat garlic bread for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Well according to Aldi, an endless supply of garlic...

Good Work Mate!

There are some interactions with the police that are just not fun, like getting pulled over, being interrogated, and getting arrested. Well, for a man...

WARNING: Giant Mousetrap Video Ahead

It seems Fifty Shades of Grey has not turned hardware stores into an S&M mecca, as a man built an enormous mousetrap. Kevin Kohler, or...

Oldest Living Human Dies at age 146

An Indonesian man who claimed to be 146 years old, making him the oldest living man ever, has passed away. Sodimedjo also known as...

What’s in a Hotdog?

A question from an inquisitive customer at my work over the weekend inspired a terrifying journey that I will not soon forget. “What’s in the...

Couple Sentenced For Faking Death Threats to get Days off Work

Every here and there Australians take sickies to get off work. After all, it’s only a simple phone call to the boss on a...

Moonlight Wins Best Picture in Major Oscars Blunder

Moonlight won Best Picture at the 2017 Academy Awards, only after La La Land was announced the winner… Awkward. Presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway were...