It’s that time of year where we all promise to make a change for the better. Here’s a few tips to help you achieve a healthier heart that will pay you dividends in 2016.
1. Reduce stress. Try to take some time for yourself each and every day. Don’t lose sight of the big picture. Listen to your body for when it says “enough”, it probably is.
2. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. Stop smoking.
3. Eat healthier. Drink low-fat milk. Take baby carrots or cherry tomatoes to work for lunch. Have fish for dinner twice a week. Have one green vegetable with each evening meal. Losing weight if overweight is obvious. Track your weight regularly to chart your progress.
4. Lower elevated cholesterol. Know your LDL and HDL levels. Follow a prudent low cholesterol diet. Take your medications if prescribed regularly.
6. Exercise regularly. Even small amounts of daily exercise can provide significant heart benefits. Try an activity that can fit into your daily routine. It doesn’t have to be regular visits to the gym, even regular walks 20mins a day will do wonders.
Enjoy the Holidays and have a happy and healthier New Year !