Friday, March 14, 2025
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Tag: Relationships

After the Honeymoon Phase: Is the Love Gone, or Just Changing?

At the start of most romantic relationships, our brains release all kinds of ‘love hormones’ - adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin. You know the ones...

It’s Not You; It’s Me: 4 Ways to Handle Rejection

It wasn’t too long ago that I was dating this guy. I’ve been on dates before, but it felt different this time. He was...

The 7 Types of Friends You Just Don’t Need

In this fast-moving world, we meet a lot of people. When I say a lot, I mean a whole lot! When everything seems to...

Weekend Reminder: You Deserve Amazing

People have a tendency to get comfortable; we can settle in careers, or dreams, and circumstance can demand that we put aspirations on hold....

Online Dating is Weird: An Almost Love Story

Online dating has its ups and downs, as any sort of dating does. On paper, my recent match closely resembled my invisible list of...

Have You Checked in With Your New Years’ Resolution?

I’m a fan of the come down after New Years, because rather than abstract ideas of how things are going to be different, we’re...

Life In Your 40’s…. What the F*ck!

Go us! We have survived the fun, outrageous, live-on-the-edge exploration of our twenties, pushed ourselves into new discoveries in our thirties, completed our soul-searching...

9 Herbs for Sexual Healing

A Little History Aphrodisiacs are named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty. The usual list of supposed sexual stimulants includes anchovies...

The Movies Were Wrong: Don’t Hijack a Plane for Love

We’ve all seen the films where the loveable leading man stows away on the same flight as his beloved and then makes grand gestures...

Planning a Date? Go Italian.

Want a romantic night out on the town?  A fine Italian restaurant is a safe bet. Italian food has always been romantic and here...