Monday, May 6, 2024
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Break Habits You Didn’t Realize You Had

Living in a society of abundance as many of us are blessed to, doing too much of something is an easy habit to fall...

The Misconception of “Dieting”

If you have trouble sticking to a diet; health-saviours like Kayla Itsines and Matthew Frenkle cater for your dieting needs. These days it’s super easy to organise a...

A Healthy Heart in 2016

It's that time of year where we all promise to make a change for the better. Here's a few tips to help you achieve...

“I Don’t Have Time to Get Fit”

Consider this: a one hour workout takes up only 4% of your day. So where, I hear you say, can I ever fit that in? It...

Do You Have a Sleep Disorder?

There are many people that have an undiagnosed sleep disorder. They may feel very sleepy during the day. They may have trouble falling to...

Eating (and Drinking) the Australian Way

Australians are often divided into the haves, and the have-nots. But they're not always talking about money. These days, it's often the haves (too much body...

Aikido in Everyday Life

The modern martial art from Japan called Aikido is often referred to as the "art of peace," because it espouses a quick, peaceful end...

Aerobics and a Support System: The Why and the Who

When it comes to any kind of working out, having a support system is very important. Most people use aerobics to stay healthy and...

Picking a Personal Trainer For You

There are many times in your life that you might want to have the help of a personal trainer, and doing aerobic exercise is...

Psychological Benefits of Exercise

What is Aerobic Exercise, Really? According to the definition from the Global Healing Centers website, “Aerobic exercise is a type of movement such as running...