An expedition of both the physical and emotional for a worthwhile cause.
West Australian artist Tracey Harvey will soon be hosting an upcoming group exhibit alongside her artistic colleagues, The Abstract Angels, at the esteemed Moores Building in Fremantle’s west end.

In an endeavour to raise funds for a national cardiac foundation, Tracey and her six collaborators have fittingly entitled their exhibit Journey Of The Heart. Less anatomical more heartfelt, each artist will contribute approximately ten works of varying sizes, that will explore the passions, sentiments and euphoric plights of the emotional heart.

Tracey’s work will take viewers on a moving journey that spans five countries across five continents, that reflects both a physical and emotional voyage. Her work will be largely comprised of micro portions of the landscapes she’s encountered, manipulated to macro, abstract view. Tracey’s work intends to transport audiences on a positive, elated, at times sirenic exploration, whilst ultimately retaining its original degree of physicality.

With a medicinal background, it’s not only Tracey’s collection that constitutes an affair of the heart, but so to is her overarching endeavour. By supporting a national foundation, she ultimately aims to ensure the community at large receive the best, most efficient medical treatment possible. At the conclusion of the exhibition, 10% of the profits raised will go directly to the organisation, to assist developmental treatment and research.

In addition, Tracey has a solo exhibit coming up in early February 2018, in support of Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI). More details will be featured on our website shortly! Earlier this April, Tracey had the privilege of exhibiting her work at the Art Expo New York trade show, where her pieces were featured at the high-end Agora Gallery in Chelsea, New York.

Additionally, she’ll be represented in 2018 at the P.A.K.S Gallery, the restored Hubertendorf castle turned contemporary art venue in Vienna, Austria.

Journey Of The Heart exhibits at the Moores Building between Friday 29th September – Sunday 15th October.

To view more of Tracey’s work, visit her website here