A license plate tells the world who you are and where you’re from.
Though it might not jump out as a defining life characteristic, think of how much time you spend in your car. Besides guessing your income or favourite colour, passers by know your background by watching your number plate drive by.

But what if you weren’t truly from Queensland or Victoria. What if your heritage wasn’t even recognized as a territory to wear proudly on the back of your car?
Dreamtime Kullilla-Art is here to answer that question and provide a colourful solution to those hoping to show recognition to the people who were here before cars, or number plates or even Queensland.
As Michael Connolly, founder of Dreamtime Kullilla-Art, sat in the markets at Southbank in Brisbane, he was hit with the sad reality that there was nothing celebrating or recognizing Aboriginal Art on the cars driving by.

Fuelled by the need to showcase Aboriginal Art where it had been forgotten, Michael began to create new designs that could be used on numberplates.
Called the Aboriginal Australia Number Plate, it took him almost two years of battling the Queensland Government to ultimately get the plates recognized and approved.
Even in the 21st century, those two words, “Aboriginal Australia” just frightens government. With the threat of help from anti-discrimination lawyers, Michael was finally able to overcome their initial refusal and in 2005, the Aboriginal Australia Numberplate was officially available as a personalized plates in Queensland.
After the remarkable and rightful victory to have a plate representing Aboriginal culture, Michael and his wife Jo, have worked to try and provide plates to all other Australian states with Victoria the next and only other State to successfully approve the design and available.
As a, ‘proud descendant,’ of the First Peoples of This Land, Michael of Dreamtime Kullilla-Art’s numberplates offer an amazing opportunity to celebrate and give recognition to Aboriginal culture and art.
The plates feature hues of red, yellow, black and orange as an ode to the Aboriginal flag. The circle design is a representation of the circle of life, and the idea that Aboriginal life goes on forever. With adjoining lines between the circles, Michael’s design shows the links between Aboriginal life for clans all across Australia, and shows the connection between Aboriginal people. Lastly, the feet are a powerful reminder of the hundreds of thousands of years Aboriginal people have walked this land; moreover, how they and all others will continue to walk Australian land and continue to be linked together by Ancestors of Aboriginal Australia, ‘always was and always will be.’
These beautiful additions to your vehicle are ‘not a religious or political statement,’ but simply a memento to a heritage that is now available for anyone who is, ‘proud to parade them on their vehicles.”