If you ever spent time in school, which ideally should be all of you reading this, chances are you or someone sitting close to you was scolded for fidgeting in class.
Rolling a pencil between their palms. Incessantly clicking a pen. Opening and closing the rings on a binder.
We’ve all been there. Class, work, meetings, they can get admittedly tedious, and sometimes when our brain doesn’t have an outlet for movement we choose the nearest available object and focus our attention on that.
However, even though are annoyed teachers have created a stigma around fidgeting, turns out it’s not such a negative after all.
Hoping to put an end to that stigma are brothers Mark and Matthew McLachlan, otherwise known as their business name Antsy Labs.
The masterminds behind the multi-million dollar Kickstarter invention, Fidget Cube, have taken the tech world by storm.

After struggling to cope with constant fidgeting, Antsy Labs took to the internet to try and find an outlet that would be appropriate for a professional setting, only to find brightly colored toys geared towards children.
It was from this that Fidget Cube was created.
A six-sided small cube with different peaceful and silent ‘doodads’ to help pass the time calmly. Flip to one side to glide around a gamer-like button. Flip again to click an on/off switch endless times. Flip again to roll lock combination gears.

The small, discrete cube comes in 8 business appropriate colors that helps to alleviate stress, and promote creativity and productivity.
The device, which has now amassed an Kickstarter fortune of $4 million (USD) in backers, only began with a $15,000 goal!
With 10 days to go, it is clear Fidget Cube with be the new stress ball.