5 Simple Questions to Help Unlock Your Potential

The secret to clearing space in your mind for a healthier and happier life.

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5 Simple Questions to Help Unlock Your Potential

If you’ve ever felt like you’re meant for greater things, but lacking the belief within yourself –

If you feel powerless, but know that you need to step-up in order to look after your family –

Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed or constantly over-thinking stuff?

Then keep reading.

As an international best-selling author, mindset coach, and host of the ‘Forge Your Life’ Podcast show, I help men transform themselves from over-thinking and afraid of failure, to becoming the action-taker who leads their life to next level.

You’re going to learn how to free your mind of these fears, emotions, and feelings with 5 powerful questions to help you get clear and free in order to take the actions you need.

In life, we all fall into a rut, feel stuck, or overwhelmed. Sometimes this feeling seems a little too long; I call these moments “mind-trap”.

A mind-trap is a train of negative thoughts leading from one to another to another…

For example maybe you’ve just parked your car and you’re on the train when suddenly you think to yourself, “did I lock the car?” This then leads to, “oh my gosh, what if…”

What if someone finds out? What if they steal my car? What if they find my GPS in the glove box? What if they know I’m not home and they’re going to break into my house and steal all my stuff?!

Sound familiar?

Maybe this is something you do when you’re seeing a new girl and she doesn’t text back. The mind sets up these “traps” to keep you distracted with worries. You stay “safe,” but it’s actually keeping you stuck.

The anatomy of a mind-trap is simply an event or trigger causing a story to come up that is linked to a feeling.

These 5 Questions are aimed at uncovering these events or triggers to help you create the space, clarity and freedom in your mind. You need to find a way to ditch the mind-traps somewhere outside of your mind. This allows you to clear space for your mind for greatness to arrive.

“The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your questions” – Tony Robbins

The 5 Most Powerful Questions are:

  1. When did this trigger occur?
  2. What did you see, hear, or experience?
  3. How did that make you feel?
  4. Why do you believe this to be true? What’s the story behind your feeling/s?
  5. What can you do to start moving forward and leaving this behind you?

Doing this exercise once isn’t going to be enough if you want to truly be your best. To get the most from this you need to do it daily.

You need to be able to track what is popping up, the patterns of belief/fear to start to then move forward and break them down.

If you do not ask yourself these questions, then you are going to find yourself forever trapped in indecision, never taking any action. Most of all, you’ll be trapped into constantly over-thinking and over-analysing anything and everything. If you apply this practice, you’ll be able to unleash yourself from any mind-trap you’re in.

Through these questions you’ll be allowing yourself to reveal parts of your truest identity. In this space you’ll be inviting more greatness into your life.

All beginning with these five simple questions.