“I want to be the very best, like no one ever was”— Sounds familiar right? It should, because it’s the Pokémon theme song (or at least the first line).
But did you know that one of the key lines of the popular shows’ theme song could have different?
Well, neither did anyone else until someone from the Huffington Post contacted one of the songs co-writers, John Siegler, to ask how the theme song came together.
During his interview, Siegler revealed that the line “Gotta catch ‘em all” was the one that could have sounded completely different, saying, “Lyrically, it changed a few times. Because they kept changing their hook line. ‘Gotta catch ‘em all.’ Before that it was something else”.
Collaborator and co-writer of the original theme song, Norman Grossfeld, also commented on the changing lyric, saying, ““Catch ‘em if you can” was one of the original contenders and did make its way into an early version of a theme song”.
Fortunately, they came to their senses about the lyric and our childhood memories of this show and theme song will remain in tact.