A devastating collision between two light planes occurred at Caboolture Airfield, north of Brisbane, resulting in the loss of two lives. The incident took place on Friday morning, leaving a man and a woman in their 60s dead. One of the aircraft managed to land safely, and the male pilot sustained non-serious injuries. However, the two occupants on the other plane tragically lost their lives, as confirmed by Queensland Ambulance senior operations supervisor Matthew Davis.
Acting Superintendent Paul Ready expressed his sorrow over the loss of life and informed that investigators were present at the scene. They have initiated discussions with the pilot of the other aircraft to gather crucial information for a thorough understanding of the incident.
The crash occurred close to the ground, and authorities are seeking assistance from any members of the public who may have witnessed the collision. Police Minister Mark Ryan assured a comprehensive investigation into the circumstances surrounding the collision.
The incident caused debris to scatter across part of the runway, prompting a swift response from multiple emergency services. The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) has confirmed its involvement in the investigation of this tragic event, categorising it as a “collision.”
One of the aircraft involved in the collision, a Piper PA-25 Pawnee, is registered to the Caboolture Gliding Club and is currently being examined for damage. The scene is being documented by the police, as the extent of destruction becomes apparent.
Both aircraft involved in the collision were privately owned, according to reports. Queensland Ambulance received reports of the “significant incident” around 10:30 am on Friday, leading to a rapid response from emergency services to the scene.
As investigations continue, authorities and the aviation community mourn the loss of lives and aim to determine the factors that led to this tragic accident at Caboolture Airfield.