Buying chocolate for your loved one has become synonymous with Valentine’s Day. Nothing expresses deep love and affection more than the rich, indulgent flavour of the cacao bean. If you’re still scratching your head over what to gift your loved one this Valentine’s Day, a decadent chocolate gift is a fairly safe bet, and an even safer one if you go for a quality product like those at Premium Chocolate Company (Lindt and Lindt inspired chocolate bound to satisfy your sweet tooth cravings).
But do you ever wonder what started chocolate and the romantic holiday’s relationship?

Chocolate was a well-known ‘food of the gods’ for centuries. The history of chocolate has been traced back to the Aztecs and Mayans, who treated the food as a lavish delicacy, indulged in by the wealthy and elite.
But it wasn’t for a few more centuries that chocolate and Valentine’s become the rightful pair we know them as today.
St Valentine’s Day didn’t actually become associated with romantic love until the 14 th century, sparked by historical poet Geoffrey Chaucer. Centuries of romantic gestures, poems, songs and gifts or loved ones then passed, but it wasn’t until the 19 th century that the holiday took to commercialism and chocolate was introduced.

And it was Richard Cadbury in 1861 who decided to start selling his chocolates in decorative, heart shaped boxes and selling them as a Valentine’s edition. Cadbury’s decorative boxes could then be reused as a container for gifts and letters, making it all the more useful.
After that, the commercial Valentine’s Day we all know flourished over the countries, and romance and chocolate became a likely pair. Today, there is no limit to the number of heart shaped chocolates and romantic gift boxes professing love in mainstream shops. And while the holiday and sharing of chocolate may have come from simple commercial purposes, we can’t help but love it.
So why not follow the Victorian Elite’s path and give out your own luxurious chocolate this Valentine’s? And while it may be easy to shower your loved ones with cheap supermarket chocolate, is it not better to treat your partner with the luxury that chocolate has been so synonymous with? Gift chocolates fit for a royal Victorian or an elite Aztec. For the best results, we recommend you demand quality, premium chocolate that’ll truly satisfy your and your loved one’s palate.

If you’re still looking for that lavish, luxurious chocolate, then check out Premium Chocolate Company’s Valentine’s range. Decadent heart chocolates, adorable gift boxes and delicious truffle balls, all with Lindt and Lindt inspired chocolate. It’s what your loved ones deserve.