Time and time again we see people make the same mistake. They’re headed towards legal trouble, but their fear gets the best of them. Legal issues can seem big and scary, causing people to act rashly. Does this sound familiar?

And it doesn’t even have to be a big bad legal battle that gets people frazzled. How many of you have started a business and created your own employee contracts? We often see people who’ve grabbed a template online, altered it to fit their own needs, and then been boiled in hot water later. Whoops! It might sound like a quick and easy fix that’ll save you some cash, but in the long run it can get very painful.

But we get it, the idea of hiring a lawyer you can trust to do the job well and not overcharge sounds like a bit of a fantasy, and a time consuming one at that. That’s why some very smart cookies decided to create alifery. It has a quick and easy interface. You lodge your job, find the right lawyer, and agree on a set price. Seriously, I don’t know how we could’ve made it any simpler for you.