It’s the word that makes people feel embarrassed, intrigued, and scared all in one moment: Brazilian.
When you talk about Brazilian waxing unusually frequently like we do, the novelty of the word wears off. But within the general public, Brazilian waxing is seen as the unspoken ritual, taken on by the heroic or the daring.
What we don’t get is, what’s the big deal?
Waxing as a form of hair removal has been around for centuries, dating back as far as the ancient Egyptians – it’s not a new ‘fad’ or ‘trend’. Waxing for hair removal is pretty normal, but as soon as you put the word Brazilian in there, people start to think you’re a super human, impervious to pain.
Why would anyone want to go to those lengths for their personal grooming?
This is the great mystery surrounding the Brazilian wax, and people start to make assumptions; who else would see that body part? What was it like before? Do they have better sex?
So in an effort to remove the mystery and the stigma that surrounds Brazilian waxing, we want to provide some education around the common reasons why more men and women are opting for the all-off wax.
You may be surprised to hear that ‘the look’ of a Brazilian is actually not the main reason why people get a Brazilian wax over a standard bikini wax.
Our therapists are hearing more and more that hygiene plays a factor. People report feeling ‘cleaner’ or ‘fresher’ when they have no pubic hair, particularly after visiting the bathroom. Clients who exercise frequently also enjoy the hygiene benefits that hair removal offers.
Others just prefer it! Personal preference, or partner preference is a big factor in why people get Brazilians, as it makes them feel more comfortable with their own bodies.
Now, we’re not suggesting we all start shouting the benefits of a Brazilian from the rooftops (although that would be good for business). What we are advocating is an understanding of the many reasons why people choose the Brazilian wax which are more often than not, devoid of sexual connotation.
How a woman chooses to maintain her body hair is absolutely her own choice. A Brazilian wax isn’t indicative of a person’s sexual appetite. Likewise, going all natural doesn’t indicate apathy. It’s all about what makes you feel more comfortable in your own skin.
What we would say is, if you’ve ever been thinking about getting a Brazilian wax, don’t let shyness stop you. After all, it’s just hair… it will grow back!
Thinking about converting to the Brazilian way? Book in for a treatment with the experts at your nearest Brazilian Butterfly salon or check out the different types of Brazilians we offer.