Valentines’ Day can be a really difficult day if you’re single.
The streets are filled with loved up couples who think Valentine’s Day is an excuse for public displays of affection. You can’t even go online without someone posting gifts they’ve received and how they’re so #grateful
But Valentine’s day isn’t all bad! It’s a time to love yourself and appreciate your friends and the people you do have in your life.
So get your single crew around and snuggle up for a movie marathon which will make you proud you don’t have a partner this holiday season. Plus all films feature kick-ass female protagonists.

Legally Blonde (2001)
The film starts off as a typical rom-com. Girl wants boy. Girl does anything to get boy. But then girl realises she deserves much better than boy and decides to work on herself.
The story eventually turns into a beautiful tale of self-acceptance and empowerment.
Elle teaches us about ambition and confidence and of course, girl power. This film will remind you that you don’t need anyone but yourself to achieve your dreams.

Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003)
The whole premise of Kill Bill is Beatrix setting out to kill her ex, as well as his entire squad. I’m not sure why, but there is something empowering about having a psychotic female protagonist that tells you its ok to act irrationally if a guy is being a jerk. Stalk him, burn his house down, murder him, you do you.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
After a painful relationship, Clementine and Joel both undergo a procedure to erase memories of each other from her mind. Basically the message is that breakups are awful and if you have to get rid of all of your memories of your partner, you’re probably best not being in a relationship in the first place.

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005)
Four teenage girls go through the summer break separately, dealing with their own issues and heartbreak, all the while sliding into these perfectly fitting magic jeans.
Seems corny, but the film has a really important message. The girls all learn to become individuals whilst also maintaining their childhood friendships.
Who needs a relationship when you have a whole sisterhood? That’s right you.