Jayne Rolinson is a West Australian artist, based north in Dongara, who specialises in colourful, energetic abstract art. We recently caught up with her to discuss her latest work, how she compiles her inspiration and how she maintains her continuous artistic growth.
What new artwork are you currently in the process of working on?
I love to paint in series. My latest works are focused on where I live – my land, my place. It’s a story of trees. They’re a reflection of where I live and how I feel about being so connected to the nature around me. In nature you are never alone. I feel so in tune when I take my canvas plein air and rest the easel amongst the long grass.

Which of your new pieces speaks to you most and why?
I think the large abstract piece I am currently working on is speaking to me most at the moment, because we have this crazy conversation happening between us. My vision [for the piece] is to obtain a very abstract view of the landscape from my verandah. I feel the painting wants to have a little more structure, but we’ll see.

Who or what keeps you continually inspired and motivated?
I really believe in goal setting. Knowing my strengths and values and having a clear direction as to where I want to be. Motivation is knowing that this is a gift and I need to nurture my creative side so I can keep growing as an artist. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes, a lot of hours never knowing when I’ll be paid again, but it’s so rewarding to do what you love. I have an immense sense of gratitude knowing that I’m living my dream of [being] a working artist.

What’s the most inspiring piece of advice you’ve ever received?
I love quotes. I have them written all over my studio as a reminder that it’s perfectly okay to feel fear, feel frustrated, but not to let that stop you from taking action. After all, imperfect action is better than no action at all!
I can’t remember where I read this one, but: “A hobby artist will wait for inspiration to create. A professional will show up in the studio everyday. Keep showing up in your life, eventually your muse will as well.”

You love online learning! What courses have you completed lately and what have been the greatest artistic benefits to come out of this?
As a working artist you need to have a sound business practice otherwise a “hobby artist” will forever be your name!! Every year I allocate x amount of funds for online learning. From Facebook and Instagram advertising, to marketing and selling, to art mind mastery courses.
At the moment I’m studying an e-course development program. The course is designed for creative women, or a woman with a home business who would like to learn some amazing skills about keeping [her] dreams on track.

If all the colours in the world were to vanish and we were left to live in a black and white existence, which colour would you miss most and why?
Yellow. Yellow is the base of every sunrise and every sunset that I see. It makes red turn into the stunning oranges I love. Yellow makes cool blues turn into my favourite turquoise colours.
You can follow Jayne on both Facebook and Instagram, or check out her website for more information.