The spider and bug season is here again, and if like most of us you don’t like using sprays and pesticides around your home, and want a more eco-friendly solution to removing those creepy crawlies, then the SPIDER & INSECT VAC from Select IP Australia is your healthy alternative.
Just switch it on and safely vacuum the insects up without any harm, putting you in control while staying comfortable at a safe distance of double your arm’s length at over 100cm long and no contact at all with the bugs. Then simply pop the cap on the end, stopping any escapees, and you can easily set them free back into the great outdoors where they belong: hard at work, living out their own lives, pollinating our plants, aerating our soil, and stopping the spread of disease.

- Eco and healthy way to remove spiders & bugs from your home
- Helps you stay in your comfort zone and puts you in control
- Lets you safely catch spiders, bugs, moths and other insects at double arms length of over 100cm away with no contact at all with the insects
- Vacuum them up without any harm or contact, then place the cap on the end
- It doesn’t harm the insects so they can be freed back outside
- Once used it helps to remove any fears and issues you have with creepy crawlies
- Great way to safely study insects
- No Poisons
- No Contact
- No Sprays
- No Mess
- No Bugs
Product Details:
1 x Spider & Insect Vac 59cm long
incl 9v Duracell coppertop battery
Check out more about the SPIDER & INSECT VAC here.