Eating Organic: Is There a Price Tag on Health?

Let’s talk about the cost of organic food. Is there a price tag on our health and the health of our families?

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Eating Organic: Is There a Price Tag on Health?

Eat organic. There are a number of benefits to eating organic foods. Food that isn’t certified organic or directly from your garden is probably loaded with artificial additives. Welcome to the new standard. Many claim that eating organically is a great way to improve health and overall wellness.

But It’s So Expensive!

Despite all of the health hype surrounding eating organic, many people shy away from switching over when they see the prices. Organic foods just cost more than other traditional food products.  Unfortunately, many find this a turn off and decide not to start eating a full organic diet.  Don’t let the cost of organic foods turn you away. There are a number of reasons why organic foods are more than worth their costs and a few of the reasons why are highlighted below.

Can You Put a Price Tag on Health?

Organic foods are healthier. Organic fruits and vegetables are not treated with pesticides and other potentially harmful chemicals.  Unfortunately, we do not truly know the full extent of what many pesticides and other similar chemicals can do to our bodies.  That is why organic foods are a popular option for many, as some just aren’t willing to take the chance.  If you are one of those individuals, the costs of organic foods are more than worth it.

Okay, But Why is Going Organic Pricey?

As for why organic foods cost more money, there are a number of different reasons.  For starters, it is important to know that a lot of time and hard work is required to make organic foods. Many are surprised to learn this, as many suspected just the opposite. Organic foods must undergo rigorous tests to be considered certified organic. This requires a lot of equipment upgrades and inspections.  Many of the farmers who now produce organic fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, usually didn’t start out doing so.  Farmers who make the switch to organic foods often find themselves spending a considerable amount of money on upgrades, which can have an impact on the cost of organic foods, especially those that are sold directly by the farmers.


There are a number of steps that you can take to save money.  For starters, it is a good idea to carefully choose the organic food stores that you shop at. Look for stores that sell organic foods at everyday low prices or stores that are known for having weekly or monthly sales. They exist. I promise. Stocking up when you find a great deal is another one of the many ways to save money when looking to eat healthy on a budget.

Go old school. Get out your scissors and the local paper and start clipping coupons. Organic food coupons can be found in many food stores, online, and in weekend newspaper inserts.

A Last Note

Organic foods are ideal for individuals of all ages, which is great if you are looking to improve the health of your whole family, not just your own.  The bottom line is that with a little shopping around eating organic can be affordable.