Whether they do it by trade or consider themselves “handy around the house”, we all know someone who does even the most basic bits of construction—some to great success, suggesting they have a level of professionalism, to others who fail so hilariously that they make lists of people who should just call a professional, or least a more skilled friend.
1 Hopscotch trouble: In this case, participating in round of hopscotch might be a bit difficult with a fence in the way!

2 Merry-not-go-round: Going on this ride might just give you a serious headache.

3 Toilet Trouble: Someone may need to learn the phrase “too close for comfort” as opening this cupboard will prove to be a bit difficult.

4 Steep Driveway: Going up or down a steep hill can be precarious enough without having to worry about this driveway.

5 Road Block: Personally, I think a simple sign saying “road closed” or “dead end ahead” would suffice in telling me to turn around and find an alternate route.

To see other construction fails, click here.