Coming into your early to mid-twenties, be on the lookout for the loving grandparent element within your parents that will slowly begin to rear its overbearing head.
Get ready for the ‘so darling, when are we getting some little grandchildren’ comments.
Parenthood is a pretty scary thought for most of us, especially if we’re only just finding our footing in the adult world, but if you think you’re ready for a change this might be where a puppy comes in.
It is extremely important to acknowledge that a puppy is very much like a baby and needs a lot of your time and affection, so be sure that your lifestyle and your home are suited to a little four-footed baby before making any final decisions.
- Dogs are super time consuming, especially when they’re still little.
Puppies need a lot of time dedicated to them, they need constant company so that they can learn to develop good behaviours not only around you, but other people and animals. - They make a LOT of mess. Your little friend will definitely need a watchful eye kept over them to make sure they don’t eat the whole house whilst you’re gone, but they also have very temperamental bladders when they’re young, so be prepared for new toilet spots to arise around the house until they’re fully trained.
- Pets are not cheap. There is a fair expense to having your own pet, not only will you need to buy food for them every other day, but they need toys, leads, a collar, bedding etc. Aside from the disposable things, your pet must be looked after properly to make sure they have a happy, healthy life. This includes registering them with your local council, getting them microchipped and all the vet bills. Not only do puppies need their immunisations just as a baby does, but they are prone to injury, vet bills can be quite costly so make sure you’re in a financial position that allows you to add a new friend into your life.
If you think you can handle this and you’re ready for a new little companion, then it’s time to find out what type of dog is best for you. It’s very important to understand what each dog breed needs and if they will fit your lifestyle.
However, if you don’t think you have enough time to spend with a puppy or you’re simply looking for an older, more relaxed companion, head to your local RSPCA or shelter, there’s always lots of dogs who are looking for new loving homes and don’t have as many requirements as a little puppy.
To find out what breed best fits into your life take the Pedigree breed match quiz.