Western Australia
Tabitha Stowe is an artist from Western Australia. Western Australia is a shocking contrast of colours; from lush greens in Denmark to deep reds in the desert and cool blues in Esperance. She has a tendency to observe the serene landscape, particularly the trees. “My hometown is full of orchards. During autumn, the cherry trees, apples and plum are exquisite”.

Creative Process
In her Art Lovers Australia biography, Stowe declares that her “art is self taught”. Her portfolio catches the eyes through its unique take on animals. She proudly exclaims “I’m not one for institutions!” Her creative process is liberated and intuitive – “I’m all trial and error. I’m all about freedom and discovery”.

Stowe’s work has two main recurrences. The first is the portrayal of the relationship shared by animals and humans. This is clearly influenced by her childhood tendencies. “As a child I used to save bugs and make them tiny homes and wrap them in tiny blankets. Animals provided comfort and company. Though I have aged, I find animals to be good company.” Even at present, Stowe has retained her inclination to save and nurture animals.

Women are the second recurrence in Stowe’s work. This is particularly interesting as she is a female portraying the female body. Unlike the male predecessors of traditional art (be, it Renaissance, Impressionist or Cubist period), Stowe’s art is about female representation.

Future Plans
A hothouse of ideas and inspiration, Stowe has many plans for the future. She is going to branch out and publish a children’s book next year. This is a child friendly distillation of her two favourite elements: animals and women. She was inspired by an old painting called “The Get Away”. The story centres around Abby Fox. She has a characteristic cape and mask. Like Stowe herself, she “goes out on missions to save animals in danger”. This particular story revolves around her “saving a pig from old Mr Tumbleton who was going to make sausages out of her poor piggy”.

Current Exhibitions
At the present her art is on display at the Amelia Park Winery in the South West region of Perth. This is a permanent location and she is the “only feature artist for the number 1 Cellar Door in Australia”.

For more of Tabitha’s work please check out Art Lovers Australia Page here.