Have you ever stood in front of a celebrated piece of art and not understood the celebration? Do you reckon you could have done a better job at picking the winner? Well it’s time to don your beret and squint your eyes! That’s what art critics do right?
Art Lovers Australia Prize Shortlist for 2018 has been announced! Now it’s time for anyone with a keen eye or interest for art to have their say.
Vote for your favourites to win and you could win. You could say it’s a win, win situation.
Anyone has a chance at a $1000 Art Voucher if you vote for your favoured masterpiece.
Click HERE to browse the shortlist, have your say and become your own art critic.

- Firstly subscribe to Art Lovers community
- Click on the artwork you like
- Click on the heart to show your vote
- Go into the draw to win Voter’s Prize.