We’ve all been there: it’s late at night and for some reason you find yourself standing barefoot, hair tousled and a garbling stomach in the kitchen going through your cabinets and fridge for something to eat. Sometimes you’ll find nothing and mope back to bed, other times you’ll reach for that calorie-heavy tub of ice cream and regret it in the morning. But fear not – we’ve prepared for you a list of the best 5 snacks to keep in the fridge or pantry, so when hunger strikes, you’re prepared!
![Greek Yoghurt [image source: eatthis.com], crowd ink, crowdink, crowdink.com, crowdink.com.au](http://crowdink.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/greek-yoghurt.jpg)
- Greek Yoghurt
Yoghurt is known to be high in protein and is recommended to be apart of one’s daily diet intake because it’s light but also keeps you full. Opting for low-fat plain is ideal, as it has no added sugar, but you can throw in some berries or chia seeds for that extra texture.
![Fresh Fruit [image source: Christopher Mills], crowd ink, crowdink, crowdink.com, crowdink.com.au](http://crowdink.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/fresh-fruit.jpg)
- Fresh Fruit
Fruit is the perfect snack for any time of day. Apples are the most ideal to eat at night as they have various properties that help to decrease blood pressure, improve breathing, and lower blood sugar. They also have serotonin, which makes nerves in the body relax and is perfect for a good night’s rest.
![Bowl of Nuts [image source: safereating.com], crowd ink, crowdink, crowdink.com, crowdink.com.au](http://crowdink.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/bowl-of-nuts.jpg)
- Nuts
Although you’ll have to keep your serving limited because of their high calorie content, nuts are high in protein and healthy fats and ideal if you want something very quick and light. Almonds, pecans, macadamias and walnuts are recommended as they provide lots of protein, fibre, unsaturated fats that’ll help with repairing your body while you sleep.
![Seaweed Snack [image source: maangchi.com], crowd ink, crowdink, crowdink.com, crowdink.com.au](http://crowdink.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/seaweed-snack.jpg)
- Roasted Seaweed Snacks
Yes you heard right! Seaweed, or known in Japanese as nori, isn’t just used for sushi – it can be roasted and is strangle addictive (once you finish one pack you’ll want to reach for another one.) A pack usually has about 10-12 sheets, and overall is only 30 calories. Since it’s only been roasted, you’ll not only reap the benefits of a delicious snack, but also the vitamins and minerals it contains.

- Popcorn
The snack with the crunch of calorie-infested chips with far fewer calories, a handful or two of plain popcorn will fill you up in no time and get that savoury craving sorted. Not only tasty, but popcorn holds high levels of polyphenols, a type of chemical that neutralises rapid aging and cell damage.
What’s your favourite midnight snack?