A few months ago, I was asked a certain question. It took every ounce of self-restraint I had to not jump on the person who asked it (in a good way). I could feel the excitement building up inside me. Despite my inside’s doing a small victory dance I drew a big deep breath and paused.
I knew this was an important question. I knew he was expecting me to say, “Yes,” straight away. I also knew that just because I wanted to say, “Yes,” didn’t mean that it was the right thing to do.
I guess you are wondering what the question was. It was only 5 small simple words…
“Can I be your client?”
Cue drumroll and music. This sentence is the 5 key words that every business owner, entrepreneur and salesperson longs to hear.
My response… I’m not sure if you can be my client.
Why would I say that?
Too many clients already? NO
Didn’t want to work with him? NO
Don’t want to make more money? DEFINITELY NOT TRUE!
The truth behind my response was simple and straightforward.
I said I wasn’t sure, because it was the truth. I said I wasn’t sure, because the reality is I didn’t know exactly what his problem was and whether my solution was the one to fix it.
My sales process works that out. I spend time getting to know people before we work together. I always follow this process because in my mind it is far better to work out up front that we are not a match than to take someone’s money and realise it isn’t going to work.
Here are my 5 tips for making sure your leads become good clients:
1) Always follow your internal sales process – regardless of where the lead comes from (in other words don’t get cocky and think you have this in the bag).
2) Figure out what problem your prospects or leads have and then decide if you are the person best suited to solve that.
3)Are you annoyed or frustrated by their attitude in the sales process? (this will not change.. imagine talking with this person daily/weekly/monthly)
4)Do you believe in what they are selling? If you have a problem with what they do it will come out in your work.
5)Can they afford to work with you? Crucial question, sometimes awkward to ask but better this is dealt with sooner rather than later.
For anyone that needs help converting more leads to sales then please send me an email for some individual tips and advice – sarahbeth@dandccoaching.com