The Australian Magpie Named Bird Of The Year 2017

The bird swooped in last minute and stole the crown off the White Ibis.

Australian Bird of The Year (Birdlife Australia)
Australian Bird of The Year (Birdlife Australia)

The Guardian Australia and Birdlife Australia created a poll to let the people of Australia choose the bird of the year. After receiving 150,000 votes the winner became the Australian Magpie.

Given the recent public attention in the media the White Ibis looked to be the sure winner of the poll and the public’s favourite. However the Magpie swooped in last minute and stole the crown in typical Magpie fashion.

Sean Dooley, who announced the win, commented in an interview with News Breakfast, saying that the bird would probably also win the least favourite. However, they are incredible birds with an amazing vocal range and have one of the most complex vocal songs of any bird in the world.

Perhaps this is the fault of Triple J, who endorsed the bird earlier in the year, rallying support for what they believed was the underdog.