If you had people shout out the top ten words associated with 2016, undoubtedly two of them would be mobile and shopping.
Both shape the way we lead our day to day lives, yet shopping with our mobile hasn’t been a fully merged concept yet.
Behold tapnfeel, a revolutionary new technology allowing consumers to use their mobile as a shopping companion.
For anyone with an Android device, tapnfeel allows you to use your phone as you would a paypass credit card to swipe over any tapnfeel tag and learn all the details of the desired product. Simply hold up your phone to a tapnfeel tag and it will automatically bring up the desired information from the internet! No App, no signing in, no passwords.
As you walk through your favorite store looking at a new dress you might be wondering:
Is it in stock? Does it come in different colors? What fabric was it made of? Where was it made?
Tapnfeel, provides all these details plus incredible flash sales and deals only users are privy to. Companies can engage with customers directly through their phones and studies have shown there is a 40% higher chance of a successful sale while sharing information through tapnfeel cell ‘conversation’.
Designed to be used in any venue with a company/consumer relationship, shoppers can use tapnfeel at grocery stores, malls, restaurants, drug stores, etc.
With the specific aim to teach and engage consumers, tapnfeel helps to create a sense of brand loyalty and utilizes a tool every person already has in their hand while shopping: a mobile!
Instead of relying on texts back from friends or google searches, tapnfeel makes shopping decisions a breeze.

Small organic farms can gain recognition when those browsing the vegetable section of their local store spot the tapnfeel tag and want to learn more about the origin of their purchase.
Those allergic to certain materials can use the tapnfeel tag to ensure the sweater they’re buying won’t irritate their skin.
Someone hoping to buy heels might buy two when they use tapnfeel to see users get a 50% off flash deal!
With a generation of shoppers hoping for a personalized ‘all about me’ experience, tapnfeel provides the perfect combination of virtual information and real life experience to provide a new wave of consumer conversation.

With three products – Glow (promotions, loyalty incentives), Storytelling (brand history, product features) and Intelligence (customer insight, content marketing) – tapnfeel is on its way to changing the way we shop for the better!