The symbol used to mark numbers, known as the hash key, was first seen on the social media platform, Twitter in 2007. It is used to group related content together, to help find posts and see trending topics.
Since then, the hashtag is now used across multiple platforms such as, Facebook, Pinterest, Tik Tok and the most influential, Instagram. It can generate more views to your posts, increase visibility of your page and attract likeminded followers to build your account.
Hashtags can be extremely effective and have large reach, but only if it’s done right. Always make sure your hashtag begins with #, followed by the word/s. Don’t use punctuation or spaces in your hashtag, otherwise it won’t work. Finally, make sure the word/s you have chosen are short and catchy. Oh, and your account must be on public for the hashtag to be visible.
Now that the basics are covered, let’s get to the juicy stuff. Here are the top (already trending) hashtags to transform your Instagram account. Use one or use them all, the limit does not exist.
- #nofilter
- #tbt
- #picoftheday
- #photooftheday
- #instadaily
- #instagood
- #happy
- #follow
- #instalike
- #nofilter
- #instapic
- #ootd
- #love
- #fashion
- #beautiful
- #photography
- #travel
- #followforfollow
- #likeforlike
- #selfie
- #me
- #friends
- #fitness
Try these Instagram hashtags today and watch your Instagram account transform.