Get acquainted with the food: eat a bowl of pho. You can grab yourself a steaming hot bowl on pretty much every one of the wild and bustling street corners of Hanoi. You will never find a bowl of pho that is similar to the one you ate previously; the variation between vendors is what makes the dish so enjoyable and exciting to eat in the city.
The Daily Telegraph posted a list of their choices for the best pho in Hanoi here.
Asia is known for its markets, where you can buy pretty much EVERYTHING: weird food, clothing of all designs, ceramics, flowers, you name it. Hanoi is no different, with the Dong Xuan and the Night Market being must see’s if you’re interested in snapping up a great bargain.
Halong Bay is as majestic as it is mystifying, Halong Bay features thousands of small isles and limestone formations, which have been taking their place for 500 million years. Cruises around the bay of differing variations are offered, and the bay is a wonderfully relaxing getaway from the sometimes overwhelming bustle of Hanoi.
Eat Again
Hanoi is known partly for its “snake village” – some 7kms northeast of the center of the city, at Le Mat Snake Village you can head to one of numerous snake restaurants in the village, and dine on snake in whichever way you so choose. Obviously, not for vegetarians and/or the faint of heart, but for the carnivorous, adventurous type, this is perfect.
TripAdvisor has more information on the Le Mat here.
Visit the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. Ho Chi Minh helped shape Vietnam to become the thriving and exciting place it is today, and he is widely regarded as Vietnam’s greatest political leader. Ho Chi Minh’s body is preserved in a glass case in the mausoleum, and it is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike.