On October 11 Fox’s two longest running comedies will clash. New York City’s ‘Brooklyn 99’ and ‘New Girl’ worlds crossover in a comedy tour de force. Crossovers are more common these days, the comic book universes of Marvel and DC spring to mind. However, in the comedy world such displays are risky, and therefore rare. As such, we’re celebrating the 5 crossovers that doubled the laughs.
1. ‘The Simpsons Guy’ – Family Guy’s 45-minute crossover with The Simpsons
It is no secret, even to the Family Guy writing team themselves, that The Simpsons is a major (if not dominant) source of inspiration. This episode won because they celebrated that.
2. ‘Satan, Darling’ – Roseanne crossover with Absolutely Fabulous
American humour meets British humour? That’s basically Australian humour isn’t it? Grab some bubbly and Marlboro Lights to celebrate the recent release of Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie by re-living the time Patsy and Edy crossed the pond.
3. ‘The Apartment’ – Mad About You meets Seinfeld
Enter Kramer:
Nothing could more seamlessly traverse New York sitcom worlds than a crazy person. This point was proven when Seinfeld’s Kramer appeared in this episode of Mad About You. Kramer’s apartment is Paul’s old apartment! And what ever happened to that Jerry guy?
4. ‘I, Done Part 2’ – The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air meets The Jeffersons and Diff’rent Strokes
In the final episode of Fresh Prince we were graced with not one, but two crossovers! They double-crossed us!
Uncle Phil is selling the Bel-Air home and our comedic crossers are potential buyers. “Whatchu talking bout’ Will?”
5. The Crossover of a Generation – Allen Iverson crossover on Michael Jordan that blew the socks off people wearing garters.
Did I miss any must-see crossovers? Comment below.