Mermaid in Sunshine [image source: instagram @projectmermaids]
Everyone had their favourite Disney princess when they were little. Now that we’ve grown up, we have to admit that we still do, deep down. Some of us live our nostalgia out by showing the movies to our nieces and nephews, and others – well, others are just honest about it.
Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty followers, eat your heart out, because the members of the Ariel club are showing you how it’s done. If you thought cosplay was a serious level of commitment to our favourite characters, take a look at these guys. There is a group of people so passionate about merfolk, they’re dressing in tails and swimming around as merpeople to indulge in the fantasy we all once wished for.
Gold Merman [image source: instagram @charliestackhouse1]This is a pretty eccentric hobby, but if this merfolk movement seems like it’s pretty obscure to you, you’re already behind – these guys have thousands of fans and followers on social media. Thanks to the internet, this community has been able to band together and expand rapidly. So if you’re looking to join them or do something similar, you’re not alone.
Pink Mermaid [image source: instagram @projectmermaids]If, on the other hand, you’re laughing at these mer-queens from behind your desk, they’re laughing right back at you – all the way to the bank. Talk about entrepreneurship; the merfolk have made a thriving business out of their hobby. If you’re in need of entertainment or some ‘living art’ at your next event, you can hire out a merperson to take care of that. If I’d had a real life mermaid at my party as a kid, I wouldn’t have asked for anything else ever again.
Purple Merman [image source: instagram @the_true_merman]All of the merfolk we’ve seen look pretty toned – and it’s no wonder. Spending all of that time swimming with your legs bound together has to be good for your abs. We’d try it ourselves, but we’re pretty sure there’s some serious training you need to do beforehand.
Mermaid in Sunshine [image source: instagram @projectmermaids]As if it wasn’t cool enough on its own, the mer community is also gaining the world’s attention on an important environmental issue. An organisation called Project Mermaids are not only bringing together a big community of merfolk, but are working to raise awareness about the wavering state of the ocean, and taking actions to preserve it. Find out more about it on their website.