Blowing Her Away
The bride might have been blown away by her love for the groom or the extraordinary day of celebrations itself but what really took it out of her was the wind. Who knew that her enemy was none other than the elements. We heard rain may be good luck on your wedding day though?

The bride is clearly having a tough time on her wedding day. It is not the most picturesque day of her dreams that she had in mind. An umbrella isn’t exactly the best wedding accessory that a bride could have on her wedding day. Let’s hope the rest of her day went as planned.
Mother Outshines the Bride
The Mother-In-Law wore a wedding dress to the wedding of her now daughter-in-law. What a way to show up the bride by arriving in your very own wedding dress. Wow the bride must have been angry seeing her Mother-In-Law rock up in that outfit. Hope there isn’t any bad blood between them.

Possible tension on this wedding day? When the mother-in-law rocked up to the big day in a very similar wedding dress to that of the bride, it’s hard to believe that she wasn’t trying to steal her thunder. A definite wedding fail and upset from the bride on this special day.
Grandpa Objects!
The priest asked…any objections, the bride’s 90-year old grandpa stood up silent for a moment, saying “no no, I kid, I kid”. Someone needs to tell Grandpa to keep his jokes to himself or for another time, don’t you think? Or maybe save it for the reception.

Whoops! Phone Etiquette Please!
A phone went off in the middle of a ceremony. The middle-aged priest was unamused, paused the wedding ceremony and started lecturing the congregation on the etiquette of a church service. “No phones allowed!”. Turns out it was his phone ringing…awkward. Better but put it on vibrate next time.

Let’s hope that next time the priest either puts his phone on silent or keeps his lecturing to his own church congregation, what an awkward ceremony this was. What a wedding fail at this ceremony! A phone ringing really kills the romantic ambiance at any wedding ceremony, doesn’t it?
Flower Girl or Birthday Girl?
The flower girl for this ceremony seemed to be confused about her role and what she was actually doing at the Wedding and the celebrations. She sang Happy Birthday the whole way down the aisle along with her dog in hand. Pretty cute, but I am sure it wasn’t the wedding entry that the couple envisioned for their special day.

This flower girl although very cute really did make quite a memorable entry. Seems as though no one briefed her on her job description. Oh well, I am sure it was a hilarious and memorable moment of the special flower girl nonetheless.