
The Newest Fitness Trend: Vulnerability And Honesty


I’m not ashamed to admit that I follow more fitness personalities on Instagram than people I actually know. I’m no stranger to the flurry of photos depicting tight abs, videos of impressive feats of weightlifting and Kayla Itsines doing circuit training without breaking a sweat.

People on social media are always trying to one-up others and impress their followers with their achievements.

However, more fitness gurus/influencers are opening up and being frank about their relationship with fitness and embracing bodily imperfections.

Jazmine Garcia (@jazzypooo) is a fitness influencer and entrepreneur who openly documents her struggles with mental disorders and how that affects her relationship with weightlifting.

In an Instagram post, she talked about how her serious neck injury forced her to stop training for several months, which re-activated her depression and anxiety. She emphasized that health should be everyone’s first priority and that it’s okay for fitness to momentarily take a backseat when your wellbeing is at risk.

On Youtube, Courtney King, IFBB Bikini Pro athlete, recently created a series entitled ‘The Journey You Don’t Know About’, in which she divulges the physical and mental obstacles she had to overcome to win the title of Ms Bikini Olympia. From family problems to binge eating disorders, her journey serves to remind us that dedication and ambition triumphs over all.

Since social media tends to be a carefully curated collection of peoples’ highlight reels, it’s refreshing to have an increasing number of well-known personalities lead the charge in making it a more authentic space, reminding others that no one leads as easy a life as they may appear to.