
5 Simple Steps Towards a Paleo Diet

5 Simple Steps Towards a Paleo Diet

After reflecting on my daily eating habits, I noticed that I was eating a Paleo-esque diet and wasn’t even trying to. Now, I’m not advocating cutting out grains and gluten completely. After all, I’m Italian and I couldn’t give up pasta even if it could save my life. Being mindful of the amount of grains you consume and cutting back is the first step.

Here are 5 simple habits to start incorporating into your daily routine NOW. And if you choose to follow a strict Paleo diet it will be a lot easier to follow after adopting these simple habits.

1.When snacking…reach for nuts. When hunger strikes it’s important to reach for healthy options, it will trick your brain to crave these foods in the future.

  1. Just say no to sugar. When ordering your morning coffee just say no to any extra sugar. It may be hard to eliminate sugar completely from your diet, so start by not adding any extra sugar on anything you consume.
  1. Eliminate dairy. Again, this may be hard at first but start by replacing milk with almond milk or coconut milk. You’ll find that it tastes a lot better too.
  1. Eat your protein…When planning out meals for dinner; always include meat, fowl, fish or seafood as your entrée.
  1. Get in the pattern of passing on processed foods. Your body will thank you.