
One Decade Later – Grin in Healthy Skin!

Over a Decade Later - Healthy Glowing Skin [image source:]

With over a decade of a complicated relationship with my skin, enough is enough. I have endured skin peels, facials, taking the pill, going on roacutane, having multiple dermatologist appointments, using ridiculously expensive beauty products, and I have lived to tell you the tale of five keys to unlock the door to clear and healthy skin. Skin healing is like our fitness goals – it takes months to see long lasting results. If you’re looking to build a lifestyle of healthy glowing skin, this is for you my friend. With ten years of trial and error, I give you the fundamental tips for fabulously flawless skin.

  1. Eat Clean

It is very important to check you are eating clean before purchasing expensive products or treatments. Drink a minimum of three liters of water a day. Cut out fried, oily, and sugary foods, but be sure to have a cheat meal every now and then! Remember, we are talking about a lifestyle, not a 12-week program. Work with what suits you, and begin with micro habits. Embrace good fats such as ghee, avocados, and brain octane oil.

  1. Exercise

I am sure we don’t need to get into the benefits of exercising. The world has said enough. Whether it’s five minutes, or fifty minutes. Start small, and start today.

  1. Protein & Supplements

Collagen Protein, Vitamin C & E are supplements that I pay extra attention to. I highly recommend Bulletproof Collagen Protein after a workout, in the morning to kick start your day, or before bed.

  1. Maintenance

No matter how tired you are, building a diligent nighttime ritual of cleaning your skin will go a long way. I personally use Alitura Naturals Clay Mask. It completely rejuvenates my skin, cleaning it deeper than any product I have ever used. The Alitura nighttime and daytime moisturizer is the icing on the cake. I don’t mean to be a hippie, but keep your products as organic as possible. If not a mask, then a face rinse at the least.

  1. Patience

If you see a pimple on your face, know if you play around with it – it will scar. If you lose your patience, see a skin therapist to get a couple of extractions done professionally that will avoid scarring (depending on how good your therapist is – I highly recommend seeking someone trustworthy). If you’re on a budget, avoid mirrors and rinse your face every now and then. It will eventually take a hike.