
How You can Support Your Local Creatives During COVID-19

How You can Support Your Local Creatives During COVID-19

Share your Support

Not everyone can offer financial support during these times so what can be done instead is to share resources, information, accounts, websites of creatives to show your support. By spreading their work will allow for these creatives to still be seen by an audience even in a non-traditional way. You can also show your support by following any social media accounts online or signing up to any newsletters these creative individuals or companies may have on their website.

Commission Artwork, Design or Product Directly from Creative

Even though your local gallery may be closed at the current moment, you can still view work online. It is so easy to connect with artists and even more beneficial to purchase straight from the creative. This allows for the entire commission from product sales to go directly to the designer or artist.

Attend Exhibitions, Openings Online and Virtual Experiences

A multitude of galleries are now transitioning their physical gallery space to an online platform. Now offering virtual tours of an exhibition. Even musicians are now offering live concerts via video. The best way to show your support is to embrace the accessibility of these online events and attend! You can even encourage your friends and family to attend with you virtually as well and make an event of it in isolation.

Encourage Family at Home to Get Involved

There is an abundance of artistic and creative opportunities to get involved in while you are stuck at home or still living life with some Covid – related restrictions. Encouraging your friends and family to get involved in something they might not normally is a great start to supporting your local creatives. Not only are there many digital experiences suited for all age groups but there are plenty of workshops, creative art packs and DIY kits on offer. Not only does this support your local creative businesses but also fosters a passion for the arts long after this pandemic is over.


If you are financially able, it is great to consider donating the money you may have spent on concert tickets, gallery openings or a festival pass to arts non-profits, your local theatre company or gallery spaces instead. There have been many campaigns such as #saveourcreators, that have popped up over 2020 are a great place to show your support for an industry that may be struggling during this period.

The creative and artistic industry is a colourful and unique aspect of our society that we don’t want to lose – how will you show your support?