
Break Habits You Didn’t Realize You Had

Break Habits You Didn't Realize You Had

Living in a society of abundance as many of us are blessed to, doing too much of something is an easy habit to fall into. Humans – mammalian creatures that we are – are hard wired to move towards things that make us feel good.

In the time of early humans when just surviving the day was a victory, this was actually an important survival mechanism.  It provided the motivation to extend ourselves with the promise of a reward at the end of the effort – be it reaching a point of safety, being soothed, or being able to fill our stomachs. In this modern time of plenty however, it is easy to become hooked on the many good things to move towards. Without realising it, these behaviours can become fixed and addictive in nature, leading to a feeling of dis-ease or deprivation if we are forced to go without them. If we dig a little deeper, these behaviours of excess are also often a cover-up for thoughts, feelings, or emotions we would rather avoid.

Habits that can sneak into our lives and take over seemingly without our permission include social media, mindless loitering on the internet, trawling through loads of depersonalised emails, shopping – either online or instore – drinking, smoking, eating, and countless others. Whilst all of these activities can add value and pleasure to our life, when used as mechanisms to feel better or avoid thinking or feeling something, they generally come at a cost.

If this is resonating with you and you would like to become more accountable for your choices the points below may help.