
Explore the Cairns to Darwin Road Trip: Eastern Savannah Way

Embark on an unforgettable 2600-kilometre road trip from Cairns to Darwin along the eastern side of the Savannah Way, a journey filled with diverse landscapes and captivating stops.

Day 1: Cairns to Undara

Day 2: Undara

Day 3: Undara to Cobbold Gorge

Day 4: Cobbold Gorge

Day 5: Cobbold Gorge to Croydon

Day 6: Croydon to Karumba

Day 7: Karumba to Burketown

Day 8: Burketown to Seven Emu Station (NT border)

Day 9: Seven Emu Station to Daly Waters

Day 10: Daly Waters to Katherine

Day 11: Nitmiluk (Katherine) Gorge

Day 12: Katherine to Litchfield National Park

Day 13: Litchfield National Park

Day 14: Litchfield National Park to Darwin


Embarking on this Cairns to Darwin road trip allows you to experience the diverse landscapes and attractions of the eastern side of the Savannah Way. This 14-day itinerary provides an overview of the remarkable places you’ll encounter along the route.