
Tonight’s Spectacle: The Super Moon

The Super Moon

Due to the moon’s elliptical orbit, the size and proximity to Earth varies throughout the year. At this point, the close orbit to Earth today will mean this Super Moon could be up to 14 per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter than your average full moon. It will be visibly the biggest full moon we have had in around 70 years, and one you won’t be able to experience again until late 2034. So make sure you are taking full advantage of the spectacle.

While the Super moon will be visible all throughout the night, there are times and places that will give you the best opportunity to appreciate its beauty or get that winning Instagram photo. Luckily, you won’t need any fancy equipment or gear to fully gaze the wonder of this Super moon, as the sheer size of the spectacle will make it possible to appreciate with the naked eye. Certain landmarks will also be visible without need of a telescope, which you can try spotting and deciphering over the night.

Prime vantage points for viewing the moon will be areas with a clear view of the east coast. The perfect time will be while the sun sets and the moon first rises. Make sure to look up when moonrise is expected for your city to assure you don’t miss out on the best moment. Sydney can expect a moonrise at 7:07pm, Brisbane at 5:51pm and Melbourne at 7:40pm.

Unfortunately for Melbourne fans, the weather today is less than desirable. With a high of 16 degrees today and expected clouds all day and night, while it may still be visible, we may not experience the sight at its best. Sydney is expected to be partly cloudy, while Brisbane and Perth sport perfect nights for the event; clear skies and nice warm temperatures.

For those unable to enjoy the sight tonight, the Super moon will still be visible over Tuesday night as well, as most full moons are prominent over two nights, so you’ll still get one final chance to see what everyone is talking about.

So grab your friends and make a night of it. Head over to the beach or find your own clear-view hill or park. If you aren’t keen on heading out all night, force yourself to take a small amount of time out of your night to head outside over sunset. This moment won’t come by often.