
Hop Into Greensborough Plaza for Egg-cellent Easter School Holiday Fun!

Greensborough Plaza will be holding a free Easter Scavenger Hunt and Easter-themed activities over the April School Holidays! 


Easter Scavenger Hunt with the Easter Bunny:

A giant Easter Scavenger hunt will be held at Greensborough Plaza on Saturday, 16 April 2022 from 11am to 2pm. The interactive event will ask children to look for CODE words in clue spots. At the end of the hunt, all children will receive a bag of chocolate eggs from the Easter Bunny.

No bookings required. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and register with event staff on Level 3, outside The Coffee Club.


What: Peter Rabbit Activation Zone:

Visit Peter Rabbit’s garden and decorate your very own farmers market carry bag to take home.

Date: Tuesday 19 April – Saturday 23 April 2022

Time: 10.00am to 2.00pm daily

Where: Greensborough Plaza

No bookings required.

Cost: FREE

For more information and locations visit: