
Ninuku Kala at Art Mob

Albert Fox Ngayuku Ngura 2018

Art Mob’s newest exhibition Ninuku Kala launches tonight! Ignore 4th of July celebrations that are happening on your Instagram from the other side of the world, and celebrate Australia’s rich indigenous culture with Art Mob.

Jennifer Mitchell Kungkarangkalpa (Seven Sisters Story) 2018

The 26 Incredibly unique and vibrant paintings are exclusive to Art Mob and will be showcased in their Hunter St Gallery. They are also available to view and purchase on the website.

Tjulkiwa Atira Atira Arulya 2016

The paintings are from the far western side of the APY lands, on the border of South Australia and Western Australia.

Lisa Kanari Jackson Untitled 2017

This will be Art Mob’s third annual exhibition from Ninuku Arts, servicing the Kalka and Pipalyatjara communities.

Jennifer Forbes Kungkarangkalpa (Seven Sisters Story) 2017

The pieces are rich in colour, and share their stories through the canvas. Ninuku Kala is an exhibition not to be missed.

Kushia Young Tjulpu 2017