Regardless of whether you’ve got some cash to spare, or if you’re a little on the short side, creating a minimalistic home décor is an easy way for anyone to transform their home space into an elegant and spacious modern paradise.
Aside from aesthetics, there are heaps of reasons as to why reducing the amount of ‘stuff’ around your house is just a good life choice. Having a decluttered and organised space means that you’ll find it easier to concentrate, keep better track of the important stuff, as well as save time cleaning, maintaining, and replacing your décor.
The added bonus is that it dramatically enhances the appearance of any room, and if you spend your money right, will cost you less in the long run. Plus if you’re a new home owner and don’t have much furniture to start with, it’s the perfect way to convince your friends that this is in fact a purposeful style choice. Minimalism is art, guys.
We’re not talking art gallery ‘put one chair in the middle of a huge room’ type minimalism. Just, you know, tone it down a notch and watch how you’ll actually be able to become more adventurous with what you put in the room without overcrowding it.
Here are the most important things to be thinking about when transforming your cluttered Alice in Wonderland house into a cultured artiste’s studio:
If you start with a basis of neutral and earthy tones in the room, you can use accents of colour spread throughout different elements of the décor, to make it more visually appealing and naturally draw people’s eyes to different parts of the room. It’s a good idea to pick at most one or two accent colours, and then use lighter and darker shades of them throughout the space.
Using pattern on anything – your walls, your carpet, your furniture or your décor, can be a risky move in a cluttered space, because if too much is going on, it can make you feel overwhelmed and anxious. If you choose only one or two elements in the room to have a pattern, they become statement pieces and look seriously effective. The less that’s going on in the rest of the room, the wilder you can be with the patterns you do include. It’s all about balance.
A commonly overlooked element of home décor are the textures around the room – colour and pattern are only one way to make your space more intriguing. If the more neutral tones in the room are making you bored from the lack of colour, be sure to incorporate varied materials to layer the space with sensory information that can’t just be seen, but felt, too.
Spend more on better quality things; buy less things. You’ve heard it all before – but sometimes it’s just too hard to resist buying something that you just like and plopping it on a shelf somewhere. We can’t stop you, but try and hold yourself back every now and then. Then again, if it matches the colour scheme then why shouldn’t you?