
5 Tips to Step Up Your Dating Game in 2017

2017 Dating Game

If you’re reading this, there’s a 99% chance that you’re single. Whether you’re ready to mingle or not, you just probably waved goodbye to a year of terrible dates and a whole lot of disappointment in the romance department. Don’t worry, you’re not alone; but trust me when I say there’s still hope. There has to be. Because how sad would life be if all men were superficial thirsty boys and women were only interested in guys taller than them in heels and a good set of abs?

Our best option is to pretend 2016 never happened and start fresh, not only hoping to find the one that will stick around, but also hoping that you won’t have to go through a long list of rude frogs before you find the one in line to the throne. Yes, that entails a good dose of optimism, so leave your cynicism for a rainy day, and let this new trip around the sun surprise you (in a positive way, obviously) by just embracing some change in your dating game.