
10 Summer Beauty Products You Need to Replace

10 Summer Beauty Products You Need to Replace

It is a medically recognized fact that our body absorbs significant amounts of what we put on our skin within seconds.

With certified organic food rapidly becoming the nutrition of choice by the health conscious amongst us, why would you accept anything less for your skin?

There are over 10,000 ingredients are allowed for use in personal care products, and the average woman wears at least 515 of them every day! The truth is, more than 90% have never been tested for safety.(1)  Of this small sample of chemicals that have been tested, many are now known or are strongly suspected of causing cancer, genetic mutation or birth defects.

A Press Release from the Cancer Prevention Coalition dated June 17, 2002 states, “Cancer and health risk experts just concluded reviews that indicate mainstream cosmetics, and personal hygiene products pose the HIGHEST cancer risk exposure to the general public, even higher than smoking.”

  1. Sunscreen

It’s summertime and at least 70% of women use a sunscreen under their makeup. Unfortunately sunscreens that contain Retinyl Palmitate, may actually increase the growth of cancerous skin tumors and lesions.(2)  Most sunscreens aren’t safe or protective against skin cancer and have a long list of toxic chemicals difficult to pronounce. Oxybenzone is commonly used in sunscreens and is an endocrine disruptor. Today, more than ever, it’s important to be aware of carcinogenic sunscreens that both line the retail shelves of grocery stores, as well as big box stores. Several studies have actually confirmed that appropriate sun exposure actually helps prevent skin cancer and is our best source of vitamin D. It’s never wise to stay out in the sun all day without proper protection. But did you know sun protection can first being in your gut? Yes, that’s right. There are sun protective foods, rich in antioxidants, that help protect us from the inside out. These include organic raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and yellow summer squash.

Solutions: There’s no reason to waste seventy dollars or more on a moisture cream with an SPF of 45 or 50. According to EWG, high-SPF products may not really be high-SPF.(3) If you are going to be outside in the sun, I would recommend a clear zinc sunscreen, such as Babo Botanical. Spray sunscreens are never recommended and besides being bad for the environment, they can also be toxic for your skin.

  1. Moisturiser

For everyday skin moisture, avoid the chemicals found in non-organic skin care. A study has found that topical applications of moisturizers such as Dermabase, Dermovan, Eucerin Original Moisturizing Cream, or Vanicream could increase skin cancer risk.  Mineral oil has been linked to no less than twenty-three different diseases and health problems.  Ingredients in body moisturizers can include: Arsenic, Coal Tars, Mineral oils, and Ionizing radiation and are linked to skin cancer.(4)

Solutions: Suggestions include moisturizers that don’t have a long shelf life and include organic ingredients. If you are looking for body oil, the one I use is Trillium Organics.

  1. Deodorant

Most adults use deodorants after their shower in the morning. Consider the fact that toxic petroleum products, aluminum, Parabens and Triclosan can be found in deodorants and are unworthy to be placed on your delicate skin. These prevalent toxins can make their homes in the fat cells of our breast and underarms, wreaking havoc in our internal environment. Deodorants can harm our central nervous system, metabolic system, and endocrine system.  Additionally, the ingredients are linked to cancer.

Solutions: You can mix organic geranium essential oil and organic lemon essential oil with a small amount of aluminum free baking soda, for a homemade deodorant. OR, you can purchase Nourish Organic Cream deodorant with geranium. Please note: Uncontrollable body orders can be linked to poor gut bacteria and dehydration.

  1. Benzoyl Peroxide

Teenagers and some adults  desire to dry their oily skin with a daily habit of Benzoyl peroxide. A topical application of Benzoyl peroxide as a treatment for oily skin or acne can put you at risk for Melanoma.  Skin tumor-promoting activity of benzoyl peroxide, is a widely used free radical, generating compound.(5)

Solutions: Try organic carrot seed essential or organic lemon essential oil on your skin instead. These are far safer and less toxic.

  1. Lightening Creams

Women are running to the stores trying to find a lightening cream that will work for hyper-pigmentation on their face. Unbeknownst to most, Mercury can be found in excess over the legal limit in skin lightning creams.(6) Besides toxicities, they have never proven effective for long-lasting results. Hyper-pigmentation may be a sign that hormones are out of balance.

Solutions: Make an appointment for a holistic spa in your area. .

  1. Talcum Powder

Advertisers promote talcum powder use for adults and children. Magnesium silicate is a primary component of talcum powder. Research tells us body powders can increase our risk for ovarian cancers. Talc can also contain silica and often be contaminated with asbestos.(7)

Solutions: You can mix 1/4 cup Eden kuzu root starch and 1/3 cup rice flour with 7 drops of organic lavender essential oil. OR, you can purchase Miessence Organic Body Powder.

  1. Mascara

Have you ever opened a new mascara only to find it was too smelly to use?  I have. Whether we pay $5. to $35 or more, we do not need a mascara that contains toxic cancer-causing chemicals. In 90 degree summer weather we insist on a mascara that’s waterproof. Dimethicone copolyol is one chemical used for waterproofing. Conventional mascaras include toxic polymers, chemicals, petroleum distillates, petrolatum, formaldehyde, aluminum, Retinyl Acetate, fragrance and parabens that can increase the aging process.

Solutions: Purchase an organic fragrance-free mascara such as Nvey Eco Organic Mascara. Always discard mascaras after six months.

  1. Hairspray

Hairsprays contain chemicals that are environmentally risky. I’ve seen customers develop rashes on their forehead and hair breakage from frequent hairspray use. Common ingredients in hairsprays are shellac, Phthalates, Formaldehyde, denatured alcohol and propylene glycol. Hairsprays can cause multiple chemical sensitivities. Because of their noxious fumes hairsprays can lead to lung damage.(8)

Solutions: I use a product called: Intelligent Nutrients hair balm. It’s not a spray, but it’s certified organic!

  1. Teeth Whiteners

Summertime fun brings with it the desire for brighter teeth. But the way to get to this goal can be harmful with peroxide and other chemical filler ingredients such as fluorides, saccharin, propylene glycol and several colored dyes. These have been linked to cancer and neurotoxicity.

Solutions: Suggestions include a non-fluoride, non-chemical toothpaste. OR, you can use a dab of Dr Christopher’s Herbal Tooth & Gum Powder. OR, you can purchase Organic BR Brushing Rinse and add a drop of organic peppermint essential oil to your brush.

  1. Lipstick

Over the years research has told us lipsticks can increase risk for auto immune disorders such as lupus. It’s ironic that Revlon has a campaign called “Kisses for the Cure” that urges women to buy lipstick to fight breast cancer. The ingredients in toxic lipsticks can include Tar, Lead, Formaldehyde, Petroleum Distillates, Propylparabens, Polypropylene and more.

Solutions: Most Health Food Stores stock organic lipsticks, such as Ecco Bella.

In Summation

Seeking health is a battle for everyone, especially when we want to look HOT in the summer months! We can unwittingly fall into pleasure-traps when choosing fashionable cosmetics and toiletries. Remember knowing how to read labels is KEY in order to help you reduce your cancer risk. As a spa owner for almost four decades, I’ve researched ingredients that can disrupt the delicate balance of our skin, hormones and metabolism. If television promotes a cream or potion to look twenty years younger, my suggestion would be to disregard this misinformation that may eventually cause you harm.


  2. HTTP://WWW.JAAD.ORG/ARTICLE/S0190-9622(10)00850-9/ABSTRACT
  6. see also 

Sun protection from the inside out: