
Three Sustainable Swaps you can Make to Your Routine

Three Sustainable Swaps you can Make to Your Routine

Are you looking to begin your sustainability journey but not sure where to start? Here are three simple alternatives you can swap into your routine that will help the environment- and your budget- in the long run.

  1. B.Y.O. Containers

It may feel strange at first, but bringing leftovers or takeaway meals home in your own container can quickly cut down your excess waste. Not only will this reduce the amount of plastic and cardboard you need to get rid of, but the air-tight seal will also keep your takeaway much fresher.  

2. Keep Cups

Switching the disposable cup from your favourite café for a Keep Cup is one of the easiest ways to make your daily routine more sustainable. You can find reusable coffee cups in almost every supermarket and homeware retailer, and many cafes will even give you a discount for making this switch- so the investment will save you money in the long run.

3. Reusable Beauty

One of the lesser-known solutions to a sustainable lifestyle, ditching single-use materials, such as makeup wipes and cotton pads, will be easier than you think. When paired with your favourite cleanser, microfibre towels will have your makeup removed in no time, and reusable cotton pads and Q-tips are beginning to hit the market. Best of all, these products just need a spin in your washing machine to be ready for use again.

 With these three sustainable alternatives, you can make a big difference in reducing waste and heading for an environmentally friendly lifestyle.