
Hooray, Melbourne Set For a Sizzling Christmas

Beach Day (Image Source: Trevor)


I know, I know, Melbourne’s weather has been even more un-predictable than usual this year. What, with winter weather in spring and spring weather in summer… it seems to be all over the place, and as Christmas approaches, we are all biting our nails thinking, what if it’s a cold Christmas this year?

How bad would that be? It’d change everything. No cold meat or prawn cocktails, or worse, no soapy water slides I mean, would it even be an Aussie Christmas without warm weather? Maybe, but have no fear because we won’t have to resort to such measures because right when we want it most, mercury is stepping it up a notch giving us a heat wave over the weekend and soaring to a marvelous 35 degrees this Christmas Day!

Melbourne is in for some serious summer weather this weekend, and it’s about time. Now it’s time to really start the silly season the right way. On Tuesday, the Bureau of Meteorology bumped up its previous forecast for Christmas Day from 30 degrees to 35 smoking degrees.

“It’s warming up for Christmas this year, 35 degrees now on the forecast and sunny with light winds so do take care out there in the sun”, said forecaster Stephen King.

“It might be a good idea to leave out a bottle of water for Rudolf and his reindeer”.

(…And maybe a cold frosty beer for Santa as well?)

During this hot Christmas season, everyone is advised to be well prepared whilst out in the blistering sun, and the rising temperatures have caused fire authorities to urge Victorians to be aware of possible bushfires.

Premier Daniel Andrews says that everyone should pay attention to weather conditions and bushfire risk ratings and not to mention the effect of the hot conditions on personal health and fatigue levels.

“You’ve got to be aware of the conditions, you’ve got to get the very best information. If you’re not getting the best information, you can’t make really good decisions for you and your family’s safety”, he says.

So, I think it’s safe to say that there will be no holding back on the expected summery Christmas Day this year, for Melbourne and all of Victoria. So continue preparing for your frosty cocktail recipes and potato salads, because all your guests will be very grateful for something to cool them down.

So stay safe this Christmas, drive safe, drink plenty of water, but most of all have a wonderful time spent with family and friends.