
How To: Plan A Spectacular Baby Shower

Baby Shower (Image Source: Dea By Day)

Planning a Baby Shower is not an easy task! In this article, I’ll help you break down the different elements of organizing and planning baby showers.

When should I hold my baby shower?
A lot of parents these days are waiting until after the baby is born to hold a baby shower. It gives guests the advantage of knowing what type of clothing and gifts to buy for the baby. It also gives the new mother a chance to show off the baby to a large number of people, reducing the steady stream of visitors to the house right after the baby is born.

If you don’t want to wait until after the baby is born, then generally a month or two before the mom’s due date is a good time to have the party. You don’t want to hold the shower too close to baby’s due date in case he or she makes an early arrival!

Who should I invite to my baby shower?
Close friends and family members, the parent’s friends, co-workers, godparents, and others you feel the parents-to-be would enjoy having at the shower. Try to refrain from inviting people you have not had contact with in a long time simply for more presents though, its considered tacky. Invitations should be sent out 2-3 weeks before the shower. Give guests time to plan to be free that day and shop, but not so much time that they forget about the party.

Can I invite men to the baby shower?
Yes! Men are now allowed in the delivery room, why not let them in the baby shower as well?

What about a theme for my baby shower?
There are a lot of different ways to hold a baby shower. Let your imagination roam and choose something fun, but not to strenuous for the mommy-to-be. Choose the kind of party you can do best. Accept your time, budget, and equipment limitations. Coordinate your invitations, decorations, party favors, and food. Create a mood! Create your mood through lighting, music, and decorations.

Will there be games at my baby shower?
Games at baby showers are optional, but always a fun addition and a good ingredient to a successful baby shower. A quick internet search will lead you to tons of fun, easy games.

Will there be food at the baby shower?
Avoid time-consuming dinners. Choose a menu with which you are familiar. Serving a full meal is not required, but certainly snacks, hors d’oeuvres, cakes, and pies are a welcome addition. I’ve even seen where the guests each bring a dessert or snack plate. Check your supplies way ahead of time. Linen, silver, tables, dishes. Always overestimate the amount of food you will need. Make sure you have chafing dishes or hot plates. Clean and cook ahead of time. Do not wait until the last minute. Plan seating that will encourage lively conversation. When serving buffet style, be sure you have enough tables or lap trays.

What kind of invitations do I send out for my baby shower?
There are way too many options to discuss here, but simple and creative is the way to go.

Other Baby Shower Tips

Buy camera film. Have someone else at the party be in charge of taking pictures. Chances are, you will be busy. If you get a lot of great shots, you can make a memento album for the parents later.

Don’t forget the guest bathroom. Add extra touches like scented soap and lotion. Keep tissue and feminine items in an obvious place.

Pay attention to your guests. Know when they are ready to move on to the next phase of the party.

It can be a little awkward at first. A few close friends arriving early can create an instant party buzz.

Good luck and have fun!